

Last update:
1st October, 2012

What’s new?
 Site frozen until further notice

This section of the site contains (or will contain) a mixture of official technical information and data published by Panhard or other sources, modifications and substitutions of proven effectiveness, and general guidance for the restoration and maintenance of Panhards and Panhard-powered cars.

Principal Engine Components and Partial Assemblies

Wilmonda Special Tools

No more burned pistons!

Double capacity oil pump

Simple oil filter conversion (coming one day)

Semi-electronic ignition

Ignition testing (go here for a double sided A5 to laminate for your emergency kit)

Exhaust systems

The content of this section will continue to expand. The topics are not presented in any particular order of importance. Further technical information and advice can be found from time to time on the following English-language Panhard message boards, for which Yahoo registration is required:

and the following French-language forums:

[Home] [Club] [Events] [Galleries] [Technical] [Wilmonda Special Tools] [Engine Components] [Exhaust systems] [Links]