

Last update:
1st October, 2012

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 Site frozen until further notice


The following links contain videos of, or taken from, Panhards or Panhard-powered derivatives. The videos are on remote sites such as Youtube, and are of variable lengths and qualities. The list will be expanded regularly, when the validity of all the links will be verified.

First tests of a 1953 Le Mans 24hr DB barquette

DB HBR5 at Le Mans Story, 2009

Green 24CT - going away

Green 24CT - coming back

PL17 wins 1961 Monte Carlo Rally

CDs at Val de Vienne circuit

1908 GP Panhard

Panhard-branded Bristol Super Freighter at Geneva

Flat twin engine running on bench

Advertising for Garmin GPS

Dyna X cabriolet

Panhard VBL light armoured vehicle

Delivery of the new PL17 to the Paris Motor Show (Salon Auto)

Mark Brinker’s DB HBR4 at Bonneville

Aigle Suisse Ghia Dyna

DB Le Mans historic racer

Panhard International, Montelimar - Pt.1

Panhard International, Montelimar - Pt.2

The Webmaster will be please to learn of links to further, similar Panhard-oriented videos. Kindly use this link for this purpose.

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